I'll make this short and to-the-point about "David the Gnome," a children's animated TV series about the adventures of a gnome, David, and his wife Lisa, and their lives living in the forest many times being aided by the local forest animals and away from human beings, who are often viewed in a negative light.
"David the Gnome" is one of the earliest shows that I can remember from my childhood and still have many fond memories of; that is really all I have at the moment, because I have not seen this cartoon on television since the early 1990s. It was probably the first children's cartoon show that I can remember that also had a positive message that the young kids watching could also understand. (On a side note, I think one reason that I ultimately took a strong liking to it in the first place was because I happen to share the same name of the title character.) I regret that it is highly unfortunate that I don't see shows like "David the Gnome" on television much anymore, if it all, really. A few years ago, I was rather shocked to realize that the series is originally a Spanish production that was dubbed into English for North American audiences. Now usually, when foreign-language shows are dubbed into English, the results are usually sub-par; that doesn't happen here, because the voice cast was excellent, as was the dubbing and the vocal performances of the English-speaking cast. I truly love this show, and I'm not sure if a DVD release is available yet in the United States, where I live.