You've read it right, this is your typical - and for typical I'm referring to the second part of the Attakku No. 1 anime, not the great first 50 episodes - 70's shoujo dramatic anime (great thing in the proper hands, for example the ones of the Maestro of Tokusatsus Toshiki Inoue) with an unbelievable, uninteresting, yahwn-inducing mary sue as the main protagonist, a mary sue so mary suish that she actually gets a part in a drama without knowing anything about the original literary work to begin with (i guess because of the typical Japanese belief of old - shared equally by women and men alike - that only men are interested in studying?). Add to the mix pedestrial chara repeatedly carbon-copied from the superior in all aspects Versailles No Bara, OST that is not fit to the theme (in particular the OP ripping off hard the Flashdance one feels completely out of place, this series is about stage plays and not dancing), uber-repetitive "story" and romance elements that are not particularly well-developed and/or interesting to begin with and you have a complete failure on all fronts, failure that for what I understand is due to this being as close as possible to the (I guess terrible, what a suprise! Not) manga. A huge waste of time even considering the short lenght and discounting the fact that the viewer might be the biggest shoujo fan in existance, boring mary sues sparsely appearing here and there permitted (I'm talking about me myself and I, of course). Avoid it with no regrets.