So i remember being obsessed with this show years ago, in fact, so obsessed i have made a series of powerpoints praising her by portraying her as the dictator and leader of her own powerful nation named after herself. But that's not what i'm here for. Anyways, This show became the divine part of me, I don't remember most of the show now but i'm pretty much getting back into it, I don't know why this show doesn't come on TV anymore but oh my god, that cat was pretty much my idol, This was until i shook it off years later (and i'm glad) because of life problems. I think Sagwa could've gotten more episodes if it weren't for those who cancelled it. In all reality, this show was a core divine part of me, 10/10 still good up to this day.. Oh, and Don't Forget Your Umbrella.
(This review was taken from tvtome)