Wilson Jermaine Heredia credited as playing...
Angel Dumott Schunard
- [first lines]
- Mark, Angel, Maureen, Roger, Collins, Benjamin Coffin III, Mimi: Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes. Five hundred twenty-five thousand moments so dear. Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes. How do you measure, measure a year? In daylights, in sunsets, in midnights, in cups of coffee. In inches, in miles, in laughter, in strife. In five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes - how do you measure a year in the life? How about love? How about love? How about love? Measure in love... seasons of love.
- Collins: In honor of the death of Bohemia, an improtu salon will commence immediately following dinner. Maureen Johnson, back from her spectacular one-night engagement at the eleventh street lot, will sing Native American tribal chants backwards through her vocorder, while accompanying herself on the electric chello, which she ain't never studied.
- Roger: And Mark Cohen will preview his new documentary about his inability to hold an erection on high holy days.
- Mark: Mimi Marquez, clad only in bubble wrap, will perform her famous lawn chair-handcuff dance to the sound of iced tea being stirred. And Roger will attempt to write a bittersweet, evocative song.
- Roger: [picks up a guitar and plays]
- Mark: That doesn't remind us of Musetta's Waltz.
- Collins: Angel Dumont Schunard will model the latest fall fashions from Paris while accomanying herself on the 10 gallon plastic pickle tub.
- Angel: And Collins will recount his exploits as an anarchist, including the tale of his successful reprogramming of the MIT virtural reality equipment to self-destruct as it broadcast the words:
- All: Actual reality! Act up! Fight AIDS!
- Collins, Mark, Mimi, Angel: [Sung] I can't control
- Roger Davis: [Sung] Control your temper
- Collins, Mark, Mimi, Angel: [Sung] My destiny
- Roger Davis: [Sung] She doesn't see
- Collins, Mark, Mimi, Angel: [Sung] I trust my soul
- Roger Davis: [Sung] Who says that there's a soul
- Collins, Mark, Mimi, Angel: [Sung] My only goal, is just to be
- Roger Davis: Just let me be!
- Collins, Mark, Mimi, Angel: [Sung in time with Roger] There's only now, there's only here. Give into love, or live in fear. No other path, no other way. No day but today.
- Roger Davis: [Sung] Who do you think you are? Barging in on me and my guitar. Little girl hey, the door is that way.
- Mimi: [Sung] No day but today.
- Roger Davis: [Sung] The fire's dead anyway.
- Collins, Mark, Mimi, Angel: [Sung] No day but today.
- Roger Davis: [Sung] Take your powder, take your candle.
- Collins, Mark, Mimi, Angel: [Sung] No day but today.
- Roger Davis: [Sung] Take your brown eyes, your pretty smile, your silouette.
- Collins, Mark, Mimi, Angel: [Sung] No day but today.
- Roger Davis: [Sung] Another time, another place, another round, a warm embrace.
- Collins, Mark, Mimi, Angel: [Sung] No day but today.
- Roger Davis: [Sung] Another dance another way, another chance, another day
- Collins, Mark, Mimi, Angel: [Sung] No day but today.
- Collins: So with a thousand sweet kisses...
- Angel: If you're cold and you're lonely.
- Collins: ...I'll cover you. With a thousand sweet kisses...
- Angel: You've got one nickel only.
- Collins: ...I'll cover you.
- Angel: With a thousand sweet kisses...
- Collins: When you're worn out and tired.
- Angel: ...I'll cover you. With a thousand sweet kisses... I'll cover you!
- Collins: When your heart has expired!
- Collins, Angel: Oh lover, I'll cover you!
- All: [sung] No other road / No other way / No day but today
- Mimi, Joanne, Maureen: [sung] I can't control / My destiny
- Mark, Roger, Collins, Angel, Benjamin Coffin III: [sung] Will I lose my dignity / Will someone care
- Mimi, Joanne, Maureen: [sung] I trust my soul / My only goal / Is just to be
- Mark, Roger, Collins, Angel, Benjamin Coffin III: [sung] Will I wake tomorrow / From this nightmare
- Mimi, Joanne, Maureen: [sung] Without you / The hand gropes
- Mark, Roger, Collins, Angel, Benjamin Coffin III: [sung] There's only now / There's only here
- Mimi, Joanne, Maureen: [sung] The ear hears / The pulse beats
- Mark, Roger, Collins, Angel, Benjamin Coffin III: [sung] Give in to love / Or live in fear
- Mimi, Joanne, Maureen: [sung] Life goes on / But I'm gone
- Mark, Roger, Collins, Angel, Benjamin Coffin III: [sung] No other path / No other way
- Mimi, Joanne, Maureen: [sung] 'Cause I die / Without you / I die without you
- Mark, Roger, Collins, Angel, Benjamin Coffin III: [sung] No day but today / No day but today
- Mimi, Joanne, Maureen: [sung] I die without you / I die without you
- Mark, Roger, Collins, Angel, Benjamin Coffin III: [sung] No day but today / No day but today
- Mimi, Joanne, Maureen: [sung] I die without you / I die without you
- Mark, Roger, Collins, Angel, Benjamin Coffin III: [sung] No day but today / No day but today
- All: [sung] NO DAY BUT TODAY!
- Angel: Today for you, tomorrow for me!
- Tom: And you should hear her beat.
- Mark: You earned this on the street?
- Angel: It was my lucky day today on Avenue A when the lady in the limousine drove my way - she said, "Darling, be a dear - haven't slept in a year! I need your help to make my neighbor's yappy dog disappear! This akita - Evita - just won't shut up! I believe if you play nonstop that pup will breathe its very last high-strung breath. I'm certain that cur will bark itself to death!"
- Mimi, Angel: [sung] To hand crafted beers made in local breweries, to yoga, to yogurt, to rice and beans and cheese. To leather, to dildoes, to curry vindaloo. To huevos rancheros and Maya Angelou.
- Collins, Maureen: [sung] Emotion, devotion to causing a commotion. Creation, vacation...
- Mark: [sung] Mucho masturbation.
- Life Cafe Manager: [Mark, Maureen, Joanne, Mimi, Angel, and Collins walk into the Life Cafe] Oh, no. Please, no. No. Not tonight. Please leave.
- Mark: What are you talking about? Why?
- Life Cafe Manager: Because you sit here all night and you never order anything.
- Mark: That's a lie. Just last week I had a tea.
- Life Cafe Manager: You couldn't pay.
- Mark: Oh, yeah.
- Angel: Tonight we can.
- [Holding up money]
- Angel: Ka-pow.
- [Angel discovers Collins, who has been mugged]
- Angel: Oh my God, are you okay, honey?
- Collins: I'm afraid so.
- Angel: They get anything, or...?
- Collins: I didn't have any money, but they took my stuff.
- [Angel tries to wipe the blood from Collins' forehead]
- Collins: No, I'm fine, I'm fine.
- Angel: I'm Angel.
- Collins: Angel. Friends call me Collins. Tom Collins.
- Angel: Come on. Let's get you cleaned up. Sort of have to hurry; I have a life support meeting to go to.
- Collins: Life support?
- Angel: Yeah. It's for people with AIDS. People like me.
- Collins: Me, too.
- Angel: Today for you, tomorrow for me!
- Tom: And you should hear her beat.
- Roger: You earned this on the street?
- Angel: It was my lucky day today on Avenue A when the lady in the limousine drove my way - she said, "Darling, be a dear - haven't slept in a year! I need your help to make my neighbor's yappy dog disappear! This akita - Evita - just won't shut up! I believe if you play nonstop that pup will breathe its very last high-strung breath. I'm certain that cur will bark itself to death!"
- Joanne, Collins, Mark, Angel, Mimi, Maureen, Roger, Benjamin Coffin III: All Its time now to sing out, though the story never ends. Lets celebrate remember the year of the life of friends. Remember the love.
- Joanne: You got to, you got to remember the love.
- Collins, Mark, Angel, Mimi, Maureen, Roger, Benjamin Coffin III: Remember the love.
- Joanne: You know that love us a gift from up above.
- Collins, Mark, Angel, Mimi, Maureen, Roger, Benjamin Coffin III: Remember the love.
- Joanne: Share love, give love, spread love.
- Angel: New York City.
- Mark: Uh-huh.
- Angel: Center of the universe.
- Collins: Sang it, girl!
- Angel: Times are shitty, but I'm pretty sure they can't get worse.
- Roger: I hear that.
- Angel: It's a comfort to know, when you're singing the hit-the-road blues...
- [sung]
- Angel: That anywhere else you could possibly go after New York would be
- [whispered]
- Angel: a pleasure cruise!
- Collins: Now you're talkin'!