Jason Lee credited as playing...
- [Paul and Pete discuss Paul sleeping with Becky after his bachelor party]
- Pete: Wait 'till she's drunk... next Thanksgiving or Christmas, or better yet, this Saturday at your wedding, after she's had four gin and tonics and she steps up to the microphone and she's telling the whole world.
- Paul: That's not gonna happen.
- Pete: [mimicking Becky] Everyone, your attention please. I just think you should all know Karen's husband Paul nailed me last Saturday. Yeah, hot sex, and now I'm carrying his child. Thank you for listening. Please return to your entrees.
- [Ahmed the tailor barges in on Paul and Pete in the dressing room]
- Ahmed: How is it, huh? Is it smoking? Listen, if don't love it, I still have double-breasted white ones sitting on the runway. You want to talk about a burning hot look? Sizzle!
- Paul: Ahmed, no, that's fine. This is great, thanks.
- Ahmed: Word!