Doug Momary and Emily Peden, who played Doug and Emmy Jo, got married just as the show began production. They are still married as of 2024.
The actors playing the animals, as well as some of the guest stars, had a habit of using very un family-friendly profanity when they messed up a line or as a joke. Those, of course, never made it into the final episodes. A video of those outtakes can be found on YouTube.
This was the only TV show Doug Momary appeared in, and it was the second and last show Emily Pedan appeared in. She guest starred on Marcus Welby M.D. prior to New Zoo Revue, but nothing after. The couple now own and operate the Nevada-based company Laguna Productions, which produces educational and industrial shorts, PSAs, and television commercials. They also attend conventions to meet fans and sign autographs.
While the show all but faded away by the early 1980s, repeats of New Zoo Revue became in demand once again in the late 1990s.
New Zoo Revue was acquired from O Atlas Entertainment and the show's original co-creator, Barbara Atlas; the property is now managed by Media and Technology Solutions Inc., which is based in Las Vegas. The library continues to be licensed and broadcast by various networks across the US. Episodes can be viewed, and merchandise and DVDs of the original episodes can be purchased on the internet.