I went into this expecting another low budget horror effort but have walked away pleasantly surprised.
Beyond the Limits is a German made horror anthology consisting of two stories and a wrap around which are all connected.
The first thing I noticed is how good it all looks, fans of gore will love this as its one of the most brutal movies I've seen in years. Gory, horrifically violent and merciless but with a story to justify it.
From a gangsters dinner gone wrong to Christians killing off heretics to a mysterious graveyard caretaker with a nasty secret.
I enjoyed this though the whole thing doesn't come together as well as I'd hoped. Take each story as separate and it's more entertaining that way.
Beyond the Limits isn't for the faint of heart and I'm not exaggerating when I say this is hardcore stuff, if you're up for it and like that sort of thing then you can do a lot worse than this.
The Good:
First story was fantastically sadistic
Great sfx
Horrifically violent
The Bad:
Doesn't all connect as well as it should have
Things I Learnt From This Movie:
I don't remember Rick & Morty being like that in the cartoon!
About an hour in was a fantastic example of old school Christian "Love"