I first came across this film when I bought pumping iron on video. Packaged as an additional *bonus* film Total Rebuild, as it was marketed in the UK, chronicles Arnie's 'one off' return to competitive bodybuilding (and ultimately his 7th Mr Olympia victory). Shot in 1980 the film picks up during the principle photography of the second Conan movie. Arnie, who has been training for the film, is challenged to take part in the Olympia contest which is merely months away.
In a rather weak parallel of Pumping Iron, the film fails to deliver the complexity of the original cult classic. The token bully, hopeful contender (destined for failure) and of course champion appear less believable and annoyingly expose the film for what it really was..... a PR stunt for Arnie (now on his way to the Hollywood A list) to regain face following the Pumping Iron movie - in which he was portrayed as a some what less then honourable character.
If you are a keen bodybuilder, this film is great. It has the grit of the original movie and watching Tom Plats train his legs is reason enough to buy this film. If you are looking for that "pumping iron movie" experience.. then forget it, its doesn't really deliver.
The video was deleted in the UK in 1995 and is now impossible to get hold of (I know because I have tried desperately!)