"DuckTales" from 1989 for Dendy is a classic game based on the cartoon of the same name. From the very beginning, a pleasant drawing catches the eye, which is clearly inspired by the animated original. The characters look recognizable, and the backgrounds and levels are made with sufficient detail for their time and the capabilities of the game console. Bright colors and cartoon style give the game a special charm, allowing you to enjoy the adventure atmosphere of the richest drake on the planet.
One of the features of the game is the interesting mechanics of passing levels. The main character, Scrooge McDuck, uses his walking stick to jump and attack enemies. This adds a peculiar rhythm to the gameplay, because it is necessary to constantly consider where and when to activate this ability. But I remember well that it was necessary to hold down the button on the joystick, which over time made my finger cramp from such constant jumps. Funny.
Each level offers its own unique locations - from the African jungle to the moon, which adds variety.
However, the game did not leave a particularly strong impression. Despite the good elaboration, its mechanics quickly become monotonous. The levels are interesting from a design point of view, but do not offer many surprises or challenging tasks. In general, the game is "without a twist" for me personally.
Overall, DuckTales is a pleasant platformer that can be appreciated for its style and gameplay foundation. But I didn't become a fan.
6 out of 10.