A young man named Kazama Gou on his search for his lost brother gets kidnapped by the crime syndicate, Crown who turn him into a genetically modified cyborg known as a Guyborg. He runs away ... Read allA young man named Kazama Gou on his search for his lost brother gets kidnapped by the crime syndicate, Crown who turn him into a genetically modified cyborg known as a Guyborg. He runs away from Crown and becomes the hero Guyferd, and uses martial arts to help people and stop the... Read allA young man named Kazama Gou on his search for his lost brother gets kidnapped by the crime syndicate, Crown who turn him into a genetically modified cyborg known as a Guyborg. He runs away from Crown and becomes the hero Guyferd, and uses martial arts to help people and stop the Guyborgs and evil creatures called Mutians that Crown sends after him.