11 reviews
This rather droll bit of humor first caught my eyes as I was aimlessly perusing the channels one lonely humid summer night. As the lights came up on this young lad of a boy I saw the most appealing young funny man on television. This boy knows the limit of acceptable humor and steps right through it to shock his audience. The humor in this show is quiet clearly not the jokes themselves, but the fact that half of them are being told at all. And quiet clearly the very idea that someone would tell them makes us so uncomfortable that we are forced to laugh. This boy is almost Swiftian in his rapier like wit. Others may decry him, but let me assure you that after they have spoken their piece they go straight to blockbuster and rent a healthy dose of Small Wonder and Navy Seals. Viva La Chris Wylde. May he live forever in the annuls of western civilization.
The Chris Wylde Show starring Chris Wylde was absolutely hysterical! Put that stuff on DVD immediately! Better yet, put that stuff on FOX nightly! Best late night show EVER! I wish the show could have been on nightly for one hour like the other gabbers (Letterman, Conan, etc). Or better yet, on HBO without bleeps, censors, or limits really. When I saw Chris successfully spoof the American Idol judges this year (2005), I longed for more Chris Wylde Show. The kid's got big, brassy, round ones. Good for him flipping the tables, and having us be able to laugh at the judges instead of at kids having their pop star dreams crushed. Comedy Central should give Chris ten more shows, and should cast his Filmfakers buddy Sherrod Small alongside him. Those two are like Houdini and David Blaine... they make the magic! Long live the Chris Wylde Show. Long live Midnight!
- ChrisWyldePlease
- Jul 2, 2005
- Permalink
I think the only smart think about this show is that they stopped making it after about three episodes, when it was moved to 3:30am for a few reruns before
disappearing altogether. It was so bad, the old metaphor of staring at the car wreck doesn't even describe it; wretching after viewing a few seconds of a true horror was more like it. Whomever thought Chris Wylde was funny besides
himself is beyond me-- when I happened across the his show near the end of its run, he opened it by running out in front of the audience naked. Unoriginal, and very desperate. Sorry, Chris, your jelly rolls are not funny (except in an ironic sense you obviously didn't intend... that under your surface, you are plain and unattractive on many levels. ) Put your clothes back on: stop trying to be funny, we don't want to see it.
disappearing altogether. It was so bad, the old metaphor of staring at the car wreck doesn't even describe it; wretching after viewing a few seconds of a true horror was more like it. Whomever thought Chris Wylde was funny besides
himself is beyond me-- when I happened across the his show near the end of its run, he opened it by running out in front of the audience naked. Unoriginal, and very desperate. Sorry, Chris, your jelly rolls are not funny (except in an ironic sense you obviously didn't intend... that under your surface, you are plain and unattractive on many levels. ) Put your clothes back on: stop trying to be funny, we don't want to see it.
- mybrainbroke
- Dec 4, 2002
- Permalink
Whoa. Can a show be any worse? I highly doubt that. This show is just wrong! Horrible, bad, unfunny, boring, what other bad words can I use? Wylde clearly thinks he's funny, but he's very mistaken. Both him and his "sidekick," some guy named Forty who acts like a drunk 12 year old need to find a new business to go in. The show goes wrong in every aspect...the writing, it seems as tho a 12 year old boy cranked these "jokes" out, and Wylde himself doesn't help much. Do me a favor, and stop laughing at your own sorry jokes, Chris! Please! If you think a guy saying the "f" word every now and then in between horribly set up, unfunny skits and interviews, is funny, then- this is your show. Everyone else, STAY AWAY! .0000001/10? Is that an option?
The innocence and beauty of the corporate TV-14 marriage of Comedy Central's "Chris Wylde" and the feel-good people's poet of NC-17 American University's "Chris Noll" is everything that is awesome AND sucky about cable television. Yes the show had moments of comic brilliance from Bumblton Q. Bear to the murder of 40 by Joe Rogan. But it also had the forced canned Comedy Central jigginess of a Will Smith video by a fat awkward sweaty guy from Jersey. What have we learned from the show? The code is real. What have we taken from the show? Everything that wasn't nailed down.
- emailisstupid
- Nov 27, 2003
- Permalink
Imagine for a second you are a TV exec. for Comedy Central and you are deciding what show to put on your 10:30 Pm Sunday time slot. Along comes this complete idiot with a show idea where he sits in a chair with a stupid sidekick and tells horribly unfunny jokes and shows bad skits? If your like the execs from Comedy Central in the late summer of 2001, then you are missing several key brain cells. This was the absolute worst show ever to grace the air waves. A dumb-looking guy names Chris Wylde and his teenage sidekick "Forty" sit on stage and have a lame talk show. His desk is littered with little child's toys and figurines. (yeah, i know). There's this awful rock band playing in between commercials and these horrid sketches. Not to mention these 5th rate guests that make Conan O'briens' look like America's 50 most inetersting people.
Some shows we may not like, but can tolerate. Even when a large majority hates a show (there are many anti-Stern and Anti-South park people no doubt) there is always that cult following large or small, always enough to keep the show running anyway. The Chris Wylde show never came close to having this. I don't think anyone in this world liked this show. No one could realte because this guy was not funny. The audience was obviously paid as they struggled to pretend laugh. Comedy central had churned out some really awful programming over the years but this takes the taco. Maybe "make me laugh" has a case to plead...maybe, but even it could not sink as far as "Wylde". I bet these episode tapes were destroyed as soon as they exited the VCR at 11PM on sundays. Hopefully we will never have to endure them again. Shame on you, comedy Central for showing this nonsense....What was "Forty"'s deal anyway. some 15-year old Stoner wannabe who sat in a recliner and erased all dignity previously acquired...I am calling on anyone out there, ANYONE AT ALL to tell me why they found this show funny.
Some shows we may not like, but can tolerate. Even when a large majority hates a show (there are many anti-Stern and Anti-South park people no doubt) there is always that cult following large or small, always enough to keep the show running anyway. The Chris Wylde show never came close to having this. I don't think anyone in this world liked this show. No one could realte because this guy was not funny. The audience was obviously paid as they struggled to pretend laugh. Comedy central had churned out some really awful programming over the years but this takes the taco. Maybe "make me laugh" has a case to plead...maybe, but even it could not sink as far as "Wylde". I bet these episode tapes were destroyed as soon as they exited the VCR at 11PM on sundays. Hopefully we will never have to endure them again. Shame on you, comedy Central for showing this nonsense....What was "Forty"'s deal anyway. some 15-year old Stoner wannabe who sat in a recliner and erased all dignity previously acquired...I am calling on anyone out there, ANYONE AT ALL to tell me why they found this show funny.
This show is terrible. Chris Wylde is not funny AT ALL (although he thinks he is). Nothing they do on the show is ever funny. Chris Wylde is a terrible interviewer. Basically the only thing on the show that doesn't suck is the band. Maybe they will fire Chris Wylde and give the band their own show. We can only hope. This show is so bad I'm surprised that MTV or Fox didn't pick it up. The only thing I can imagine worse than watching this show on tv is being a member of the studio audience.
This show has come a long way from the original version he did in college. Notwithstanding the obvious improvements of Comedy Central over American University's ATV, the show also has better jokes, better comedy bits, and even a pretty cool live band. The AU show was OK, but nothing special. This show is decent, and underrated. Good for a few laughs before going back to work or school.
- LafferDude323
- Sep 20, 2001
- Permalink
This show is the funniest late night show on Comedy Central, except for maybe the Critic. Chris' crazy antics and 40's 12 year old stoner appeal works great together, even if half the show they're naked. The band is great and the guest stars work well into the mix, but the best part is Chris' and Alan's relationship (Roll the @!$#ing tape!). 40's corner and those funny funny black cards are also a great addition to this show. Bottom line: If you're up at the time, watch it. It'll be worth your time.
- MessedupJames
- Oct 7, 2001
- Permalink
brilliant. brilliant. brilliant. brilliant. i have recently had the good fortune to see the final episode on a stolen vhs copy. it starts with 40 mistakenly thinking this is the musical episode, and escelades into the west hollywood gospel choir joining tommy davidson in the first pro-america, anti-bush piece of rhetoric to hit the airwaves of the new millenium. the roadtrip piece, Mosh Across America, is inspired, and the funny funny black card list (hints that you're pet dog is really a dinosaur) is silly, irreverent magic. this episode epitomizes what a shame it is you can't but this 10 episode analog of pre and post sept 11th america in a local videostore. what a wonderful series. perhaps it is best they took it away from us. we were not ready.
- specialestlady
- May 6, 2004
- Permalink
Ok, being an alumni of the same university as chris null/wylde i have to say that his show was a LOT better when it was called MIDNIGHT and ran on the campus television station. i'd like to blame the network for his show not being cool when it was on comedy central, and not think of it as either chris or 40's fault as they did have some good skits when i watched it autv. you people who are bitching, as if you'd ever have your own t.v. show....
- jessicalynnwalters
- Jul 25, 2002
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