This is the first, and as of 2015 the only, adaptation of Harry Potter to feature Hufflepuff's primary colour to be purple.
EA Games was working on the game from a shooting script of the respective film, which resulted in some elements that got cut from the theatrical release still found their way into the game. Since the game was released slightly ahead of the film for promotional reasons, gamers got treated to scenes such as Lucius' visit to Knockturn Alley fully replicated verbatim, that would otherwise not get seen in its filmed version until the DVD came out.
The gnomes, which are creatures Harry must fend off and discard in the first level of the game, originate from the book. They do not appear in the 2001 - 2011 film series.
The second & last Harry Potter title to be released on the PlayStation 1 & Game Boy Color.
Just like "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone", this title also has a total of 5 different versions, each of them are completely original & different from one another. There's the Game Boy Color version, the Game Boy Advance version, the PlayStation 1 version, PC/Mac version & finally the XBOX Original/PlayStation 2/ GameCube version.