I have recently been watching a lot of pilots for actual TV series as well as ones that the networks rejected....and they are available on YouTube. One of the better ones I've seen is "Pistol Pete"...a show that came out more than two decades ago but which network execs nixed.
The show is set in the old west in the town of Abilene. Sheriff after sheriff are being killed and the Mayor (Brian Doyle Murray) has decided to contact Pistol Pete to ask him to be their new lawman. Pete is a famous trick shooter--much like Annie Oakley and he agrees to travel west to help the town. But there's a problem...he's no cowboy and cannot even ride a horse. So how's he going to adjust to this new calling??
The setup for this show is quite good...with interesting characters and story. Why it wasn't approved, I have no idea...but I enjoyed it.