Robert Carradine credited as playing...
- Sam McGuire: All right, tell me what you know that I don't.
- Matt McGuire: Dad, it's only a fourteen-hour flight.
- Matt McGuire: 74 percent of Italian teenage boys said that they would most like to date American girls.
- Sam McGuire: Where'd you get these numbers?
- Matt McGuire: They're available for everyone who's got a computer.
- Lizzie: Come on, Mom, Dad, I've got to get out of the country! Hurry!
- Jo McGuire: Oh, honey, I know you're still upset, but it wasn't that bad.
- Lizzie: Oh really, Mom? Was your junior high graduation on Good Morning America?
- Sam McGuire: What kind of creep sent Diane Sawyer a video to embarrass you like that?
- [Matt, holding a video camera, snickers]
- Sam McGuire: Miss Ungermeyer says Lizzie's very well chaperoned.
- Matt McGuire: Yeah, what is she, 5'1", 5'2" max?