22 reviews
Having babies talk on shows isn't really an original premise, but then neither are shows like "Friends" or "According to Jim", and they are successful. But this show is creepy and devoid of humour. Especially when the baby was ogling his mom. Weird.
I was beginning to enjoy watching Baby Bob because I was hoping it was a comedy, a story of parents with their talking baby is just amazing. What if maybe, just maybe there could be more than two seasons this time? And if so, let's see if the reboot series of Baby Bob could have a lot of poop jokes, like when Bob saying he made a boom-boom. And I'll bet there could be a few episodes with some diaper changing senes. And when friends and family react to Baby Bob talking, they'd like to get to know him as much as the parents, the grandparents, even the babysitter. If the filmmakers can make a reboot series of Baby Bob, I wanted it to be the best comedy ever.
What Joely Fisher, Adam Arkin, Holland Taylor and Elliott Gould are doing in this fifth-rate "Look Who's Talking" knock-off is anybody's guess. If you think about it, "Look Who's Talking" had 2 sequels that sucked big time. How much more did "Baby Bob" producers think they could wring out of that formula? If you think I am dissing this show without reason, tell that to CBS, who mercifully cancelled the series early on. For those who disagree with my opinion, CBS is running un-aired episodes this summer. Have fun!
"BABY BOB," in my opinion, is a pure CBS classic! I don't think I've seen every episode, but I still enjoyed it. However, I think it was always funny when a mishap occurred. I always laughed at that. It's hard to say which episode was my favorite. It would probably have to be the one where Gary Coleman guest-stars. Despite the fact that it was a short-lived series, it would have been nice if all the main characters had stayed with the show throughout its entire run. It seems that no one stays with a show throughout its entire run. Everyone always gave a good performance, the production design was spectacular, the costumes were well-designed, and the writing was always very strong. In conclusion, I hope some network brings it back on the air for fans of the show to see.
- Catherine_Grace_Zeh
- Jul 13, 2006
- Permalink
What the hell is this? Who comes up with this crap. What I want to know is who watches it? I can't sit through more than a few minutes. Surely somebody can come up with a better idea for a sitcom than a talking baby, and that baby's voice is annoying as hell. A show like this should not be allowed on television, I can't see how this is entertaining for anyone. I mean, the jokes aren't funny, I don't know what else I can say really. Avoid this show at all costs, it is a waste of time, my time, everybody else's time. I'm sure it was a waste of time for the actors and the crew and probably lost the companies a hell of a lot of money, not to mention audiences for whichever TV network was showing it.
- adam_new17
- Feb 6, 2007
- Permalink
Around 1999 or 2000,I believe it was the DEll computer company had a marketing campaign for computers featuring an adorable(what else?)baby boy talking with an adult male voice,complete with computer animated mouth movement to make this look "Authentic". THis commercial line was so successful,evidentally,that some other companies(Among them,the Quizno's sandwich company)employed this character,named Bob,to do their ads.
Around 2001,some programming execs at CBS were either approached by somebody or came up with on their own a sitcom set around the baby named Bob. Hence this show.
I won't go into a content criticism of this show,since A)it seems pretty well documented through the series of comments on this show that my critiques would be echoed by myself as well. All I will say on that is that from the few shows I saw this series would've been considered retro in the 1960s,and that's generally not going to cut it where TV audiences are now and B)enough years have passed since this was released and then mercifully pulled that I wouldn't have much fresh memory to go on to make a better critique.
Suffice it to say that all(or most)involved--Adam Arkin,Joely FIsher,Elliott Gould,Holland CArter,maybe even Baby Bob and his voice,KEn HUdson Campbell--have gone on to better work since. I should hope so,anyway. A cute commercial DOES NOT merit a TV series.
THen again,I haven't caught ABC's "CAvemen",so who knows.
Around 2001,some programming execs at CBS were either approached by somebody or came up with on their own a sitcom set around the baby named Bob. Hence this show.
I won't go into a content criticism of this show,since A)it seems pretty well documented through the series of comments on this show that my critiques would be echoed by myself as well. All I will say on that is that from the few shows I saw this series would've been considered retro in the 1960s,and that's generally not going to cut it where TV audiences are now and B)enough years have passed since this was released and then mercifully pulled that I wouldn't have much fresh memory to go on to make a better critique.
Suffice it to say that all(or most)involved--Adam Arkin,Joely FIsher,Elliott Gould,Holland CArter,maybe even Baby Bob and his voice,KEn HUdson Campbell--have gone on to better work since. I should hope so,anyway. A cute commercial DOES NOT merit a TV series.
THen again,I haven't caught ABC's "CAvemen",so who knows.
(stepping up on my soapbox) I'm sick to death of all these TV shows, commercials and movies where babies act like "adults"! Baby Bob certainly takes the cake! I saw this show one day while flipping through the channels and was horrified to find Elliott Gould and Adam Arkin sinking to their career lows. Just because we have the CGI technology to make a baby talk doesn't mean we need to base an entire series around it, and a darn spooky looking one at that! Talking, dancing, singing babies are NOT cute and don't deserve a sitcom!!!
A few critics have bashed this show, but I am glad to see it had great ratings. This not about singles in an apartment building or the usual dating stuff. It has characters of all ages and it is funny. I have not heard so much out loud laughing in a long time accept during reruns of Are you being Served. It is funnier than the film it is based on Look whose Talking. The talking baby is the king of the show and the facial expressions are hysterical. This is for all ages except stuffy super realist types.
- mrskywalker
- Mar 24, 2002
- Permalink
What the Fudgecicle? Found this by accident at 8am on a Saturday morning on Sky One (UK channel). This has to be the worst thing I've seen on TV. As others have said, there were some big names attached to this series... Why, one wonders?? Must've been pretty big paycheques!
There's a very creepy scene where the Grandfather (after a failed audition with the 'talking' baby) says "This will be our little secret", the baby says "I'm good at keeping secrets"... Did anybody actually *read* this script before filming it?
Strange, strange TV execs with more money than sense are still going strong I see! :-P
Well at least it got canned pretty sharpish! Someone must have woken up at the controls!!
There's a very creepy scene where the Grandfather (after a failed audition with the 'talking' baby) says "This will be our little secret", the baby says "I'm good at keeping secrets"... Did anybody actually *read* this script before filming it?
Strange, strange TV execs with more money than sense are still going strong I see! :-P
Well at least it got canned pretty sharpish! Someone must have woken up at the controls!!
First off, I'm getting really mad at those who commented on this dreck, and were positive about it. This is one of the worst shows out there, and one of the most ill-conceived ones for that matter. I mean a talking baby? What's up with that? I mean the whole concept won't work, and it's truly creepy really it is. And how can all of those talented actors, and actresses accept to be on this show? Joely Fisher, Adam Arkin, Eliot Gould. What were you guys thinking? I hope this crap gets canceled soon, but frankly it should have been canned after it first aired.
This show gets no stars.
This show gets no stars.
Talking Baby pictures are, almost by definition, atrociously bad, because they HAVE to be. I tuned this one for no other reason than to see how atrociously bad these things will continue to be. Waddayaknow---actually entertaining and funny. Primarily because Bob doesn't really talk very much, and the action goes on around the presence of Bob in the lives of his parents, including warmly-shaped mom, who, at least in the first episode, in her wardrobe, was an incredible feast for the eyes. This is really just an average sit-com, but a relief to find out that a talking-baby picture can somehow be bootsrapped up to average. As a talking baby pic, the head-and-shoulders runner-up to the Mercedes "He's my dad" commercial of several years ago.
This show was great. And it was canceled only a little into the first season. If it wasn't developed enough, or the plot wasn't used to it's fullest, it's because the show wasn't given the chance. Often, first seasons are just finding their footing and aren't the best seasons. Later seasons, if this show hadn't been canceled so early would have gotten better. The whole idea of a baby talking was very funny. And the things the baby said- even funnier. And the parents having to hide the fact that their baby was talking, could have been very funny for a long time too.
- writing456
- Apr 3, 2004
- Permalink
I just can't believe that such talented actors would star in such an awful sitcom! If this lasts more than a few episodes, I will be shocked. I just hope that such a stupid endeavor doesn't ruin their careers. Honestly, this show is reminiscent of something like "My Mother the Car."
- wikkedladi
- Mar 18, 2002
- Permalink
Quite possibly the worst TV show ever made -- definitely in the top three. If it wasn't for Joely Fishers' cans, it would be totally unwatchable. It is totally unfunny, poorly written, and everytime Bob "talks", he looks like he is in the process of or just took a major dump in his pants. He has the same blank stare that I have when watching this garbage.
Baby Bob is yet another fine example of why there is something fundamentally wrong with TV these days. I throw it in the same bin as "Girlfriends", "Suddenly Susan", "Just Shoot Me" (winner of the worst title in television history, by the way), "Bob and Margaret" and "King of the Hill", just to name a few. This kind of cookie-cutter crap goes beyond the argument "if you don't like it, change the channel", because it only furthers the much more convincing argument that 10% of the people control 90% of the wealth, and sadly, that 10% has virtually nothing interesting or original to say. Whil brilliant shows like "The Sopranos", "The Daily Show", "That 70s Show", "The Practice", and a handful of others are setting a new standard of excellence in creativity and flat-out brilliance in terms of writing, acting, and originality, shows like "Baby Bob" continue to lower the bar and allow the lowest common denominator to laugh at horribly badly-set-up one liners that have no point or relevence to the rest of the story, such as it is, and are, more importantly, profoundly un-funny. Sadly, since the lowest common denominator makes up about 90% of the viewing public, this kind of insultingly-bad crap will continue to be churned out in the hopes that they will get 20 million viewers a week, because after all, the only kind of crap that doesn't stink is the kind that turns things green. Thankfully, I have the Discovery Channel and HBO, so I at least have 2 bastions of decency away from the hoards of garbage I'm constantly bombarded by. A note to the writers: Come on, man, I can't believe you suck THAT bad.
- quickwhitefox
- Jun 5, 2003
- Permalink
One has to wonder why people that pan this show so badly quite clearly keep watching it. My son is 22 months old and I laugh my head off watching this wondering if that is exactly what he is thinking! The writing, to me, is on the level of the old Bob Newhart Show, in that no, it doesn't hit you on the head, you have to pay attention. I'm glad it is back on the air.
- rockford33
- Jun 5, 2003
- Permalink
It's spun off from a bunch of commercials. It's a ripoff of the "Look Who's Talking" movies, which means they've revived an idea that's over a decade old. Then there's the rather disconcerting use of a female infant for the male baby. But the worst thing about this show is that the baby isn't cute or funny-it's just CREEPY! Joely Fisher and Adam Arkin are gifted actors, hopefully they'll get better roles once this show is mercifully canceled.
- luvuwildbill
- Dec 5, 2002
- Permalink
What happened to Baby Bob? All of a sudden it just went away, does anyone know what happened? If they cancelled it, that was stupid, because it was a great show that everyone seemed to like!!! If you know anything, contact me, thanks :o)
- holly03berry
- May 18, 2002
- Permalink
I was watching the TV Guide channel and I saw a preview for this show so I decided to check it out. I have to say that this baby is absolutely charming (well with me any little kid that acts like an adult is charming) It met up to my expectations. I hope to see more of Baby Bob and his adult-like comments. =)
- kitamowmow
- Mar 18, 2002
- Permalink
I watched a couple episodes of this show, and I thought it was horrible. I couldn't believe how stupid it was. I can't believe anybody likes it at all. People actually like this show. I've never seen a tv show worse than this. I'm glad CBS doesn't put this on tv anymore. It was a waste of a half hour. I only watched it because a show I liked was of after it.
I think the comparisons to Look Who's Talking are a bit unfounded. The obvious difference being that in those series of movies the babies' thoughts were narrated, while in this show the baby actually talks out loud and interacts with people. I don't fault the show for the premise. It's something that could have been done well in the hands of the right writers. Why this show really falls flat, is because it has the ridiculous comedic device of a talking baby at it's disposal, and just doesn't utilize it AT ALL. The show is basically a drama about a family dealing with the serious real-life implications of having a baby that talks. I can't imagine why they chose to take that direction. It throws all potential for comedy out the window.
- pancake_repairman
- Feb 17, 2004
- Permalink
This is not an awful series. About a baby who develops the full power of speech. Voiced by Ken Hudson Campbell(The lust from Herman's Head). Much of the dismay and surprise of his parents (Adam Arkin and Joely Fisher). But I'm wondering, what happens when Bob grows up? I don't know how long this series will last. But I am enjoying it until then. The funniest and interesting new sitcom in years.