The Easter Promise (1975 TV Movie)
Lisa Lucas: Addie Mills
Constance Payne : You don't know how lucky you are to live in Clear River. New York can be a terrible place.
Addie Mills : Yeah, but I bet I'd love it.
Constance Payne : You probably would.
Addie Mills : You couldn't have been a famous actress if you'd stayed here.
Constance Payne : Mmm. Well, there are other things in life.
Addie Mills : That's what my dad always says.
Jamie : You must want something pretty big to come all the way out here with cake and lemonade.
Addie Mills : Well, I get some too.
Jamie : Aaah, I thought there was a catch to the deal.
Addie Mills : Well, I'm sorry to say I helped make it.
Jamie : Well, I paid for it.
Addie Mills : That's your job - to pay for stuff.
Jamie : You're telling me.
Constance Payne : Get out of here, you scrawny little brat!
Addie Mills : I'd rather be that than a drunk.