Take 6 seemingly normal couples, probe a little deeper into their lives and discover that they are riddled with idiosyncrasies, peculiar sexual proclivities, pitiful, human and, above all, very, very funny.
The writers have written/produced a piece of work that is dark, subtle, fairly original, well acted, well constructed, as believable as any other comedy series, and funny in a way that makes you pity them and thank the heavens that you aren't them.
The first episode is perhaps the weakest, the following four are fantastic, and the final episode is also fantastic but has strong depressing undercurrents.
Perhaps if this show had received more exposure to the mainstream public then each couple could have been developed further and we might have even seen a series for each couple, but then again, comedies like this are often not popular in the mainstream i.e no canned laughter, no 'spot it a mile off' punchlines, dark, and often so subtle that some people might wonder if they've just watched a comedy, or a documentary about a bit of a peculiar couple.
Do watch if you like: Nighty Night, The Thick Of It, Alan Partridge, The Day Today, Saxondale, The Office (maybe)
Maybe give it a miss if you prefer: Friends, two and a half men, my family, everybody loves/hates Raymond/Chris.
Give it a try. You'll know within 10 minutes if it's for you or not. For me, it's pretty much top-notch comedy and years ahead of most.