A new reality-style game show, "Treasure Hunt" has invited a cast of contestants, including a Los Angeles cop who's joined to try and make up for an earlier PR blunder, to a tropical island ... Read allA new reality-style game show, "Treasure Hunt" has invited a cast of contestants, including a Los Angeles cop who's joined to try and make up for an earlier PR blunder, to a tropical island to hunt for a buried treasure worth ten million dollars. Unbeknownst to the contestants, t... Read allA new reality-style game show, "Treasure Hunt" has invited a cast of contestants, including a Los Angeles cop who's joined to try and make up for an earlier PR blunder, to a tropical island to hunt for a buried treasure worth ten million dollars. Unbeknownst to the contestants, the game's host has struck a deal with the soldiers hired to guard the money, and does not ... Read all