French Stewart credited as playing...
Inspector Gadget
- [at the science convention]
- Inspector Gadget: Now I need you to keep an sharp eye out, Gadgetmobile, if you see anything suspicious you let me know!
- Gadgetmobile: You mean like a Trekkie with a girlfriend?
- Inspector Gadget: Fired? *You* can't fire me! I quit!
- Chief Quimby: Hmm.
- Inspector Gadget: Wait a second, I don't wanna quit. Besides, Chief, it's not my fault.
- [reaches into his coat pocket]
- Inspector Gadget: Look what Baxter found on me.
- [holds up a tiny beeping antenna]
- Inspector Gadget: A circuit override chip.
- Chief Quimby: I don't care! Claw stole the laser, and you tarred and feathered the mayor in *toothpaste* and caused a hundred thousand dollars in damages!
- [dryly]
- Chief Quimby: Turn in your badge, Gadget.
- Inspector Gadget: Oh! But, Chief... all I ever wanted to be, my entire life, was a crime fighter.
- Chief Quimby: Your badge.
- [Gadget sadly looks to G2, takes out his badge and reluctantly slides it onto Chief Quimby's desk]
- Chief Quimby: Well, that'll be all... *Mr.* Gadget.
- Chief Quimby: [sits in his office chair whilst eating a jam donut] Gadget! I told you *specifically* not to go to the stakeout!
- Inspector Gadget: That's not entirely accurate, Chief. You told me not to get within a hundred yards of the stakeout, and I posted myself exactly one hundred... and one... yards... away.
- G2: Then how did you manage to get tangled up with me inside the warehouse?
- Inspector Gadget: Well, you gave me backup at the bar. I thought I'd give you backup at the warehouse.
- G2: I *never* need backup.
- [to Quimby]
- G2: And until we find out what Claw needs the fuel cells for, all of Riverton is at risk.
- Inspector Gadget: Chief, you *have* to put me back on the case! The department *needs* me!
- [bangs his fist on the desk, accidentally squashes a box of jam donuts; Quimby's face is covered in jam; Gadget straightens himself]
- Chief Quimby: [calmly] That's right, Gadget. The department *does* need you. And I've got just the assignment to take advantage of your unique abilities.
- [chuckles evilly]
- Inspector Gadget: [facing his enemy during a car chase] Claw, stop the truck and come out with your claw up!
- Claw: [referring to Penny] You know, Gadget, there's one true detective in your family, and it isn't you. Too bad you didn't listen to her when you had the chance.
- Inspector Gadget: Penny? Penny?
- Claw: Now it's time to say good-bye to me and to your partner!
- Inspector Gadget: [watching Quimby's mother beat up cellmates] Wowers! That's gotta hurt!
- Chief Quimby: Mom's tough love.
- [to Gadget]
- Chief Quimby: This is your last warning, Gadget!
- [wags his pink finger]
- Chief Quimby: Stick to solving real crimes!
- Inspector Gadget: Chief, there are no criminals left. They're all in Riverton Prison.
- Baxter: I wouldn't bother the chief right now. I heard some idiot arrested his mother this afternoon.
- Inspector Gadget: Oh.
- Chief Quimby: [furiously] Where is he?
- [barges into Baxter's laboratory]
- Chief Quimby: Gadget!
- Baxter: [sneaks away] Ooh...
- Chief Quimby: You put *my* mother in jail for *drag racing*?
- Inspector Gadget: And driving without a license. You've always said, Chief, no one is above the law!
- Chief Quimby: This is what you also said *last* week, when you arrested that troop of *Girl Rangers* for selling *cookies*!
- [the Girl Rangers' mug shots are taken]
- Inspector Gadget: Those "cookies" were three days past expiration date!
- Chief Quimby: [accidentally gets bubble gum on his left hand] What? Ugh! You are *this close* to being put on probation, Gadget! Now, let's get my mother out! Heaven *knows* what's happening to her down there with all those lowlifes!