Man I love Bubble Bobble for commodore 64. What a cool game. The music was very good. The game play ruled. As most commodore 64, it takes me back to the 80ties, when I was little. The same feeling must many Others also have. This game was also popular to other computer-types, and with good reason. This is one of the greatest computer games ever: It was simple, good and cosy - can you demand anything more? No! If you love commodore 64 - you will without a doubt know this game. This game became a part subculture and pop culture in the 80ties, and that is why the game appears on this marvellous movie-site. And with all the games which has been adapted to film over these last years, then who knows? Maybe we will some day see a Bubble Bobble movie - I know I want to see one. If Doom has been turned into a movie then Bubble Bobble has just as good potential.
This game is a legend. Bubble Bobble I love you and salute you.