Owen Wilson credited as playing...
Jack Ryan
- Lou Harris: You shut up, coconut nigger.
- Jack Ryan: Did he just say coconut nigger? Harris, Harris, Harris, Harris, you can't say coconut nigger.
- Lou Harris: Oh, I can't?
- Jack Ryan: Not really in this day and age.
- Lou Harris: You're fired.
- Jack Ryan: Have a little faith in people. Not God, cause he's just an imaginary friend for grown ups.
- Frank Pizzarro: What the hell's that supposed to mean?
- Jack Ryan: I don't know.
- Frank Pizzarro: What is this?
- Jack Ryan: What's what?
- Frank Pizzarro: Dude, this is $200. You said we made six.
- Jack Ryan: Right, yeah, but $200 is your cut, cause that's the going rate for hiding in the truck.
- Nancy Hayes: I dropped out of high school, took a trip to Hollywood, went broke, came home, and hostessed at a strip club.
- Jack Ryan: Everybody hostesses, nobody strips.
- Nancy Hayes: That's probably my mother.
- Jack Ryan: Is your mother hot?
- Nancy Hayes: Ugh!
- Jack Ryan: What? I just want to know if you two look like mother/daughter.
- Nancy Hayes: Easy, Jack.
- Bob Rogers, Jr.: You trying to be cute?
- Walter Crewes: Now, Junior, who can be cute with you around?
- Bob Rogers, Jr.: This is company business, Walter.
- Walter Crewes: Does he work for you?
- Bob Rogers, Jr.: No, but we paid him off and he agreed to leave.
- Walter Crewes: You paid him off because you owed him. Now he doesn't work for you anymore. Right? Right. So if he doesn't want to go anywhere, he doesn't have to. Right? Right.
- Jack Ryan: Right.
- Bob Rogers, Jr.: You gonna let him fight your battles for you?
- Jack Ryan: Yeah. He seems to be doing a good job.
- Bob Rogers, Jr.: You know, if I wasn't with someone, I might just pick your ass up and carry you out of here.
- Jack Ryan: You might have to if Walter here keeps buying me beer. He's getting me all liquored up, I'm just trying to keep my wits about me.
- Bob Rogers, Jr.: I get the feeling we're gonna run into each other again and one of us could end up looking like shit.
- Jack Ryan: I got a headstart on you in that department. It's not fair.
- Jack Ryan: Are you serious? You really wanna box?
- Nancy Hayes: If I win, you show me how to steal a car. If you win, I do whatever you want. Put em up!
- Jack Ryan: You grow up on a marine base?
- Nancy Hayes: Don't use the, "I've never hit a girl" excuse.
- Jack Ryan: I've never hit a girl.
- [Nancy hits him in the head]
- Jack Ryan: Don't be hitting me in my head when I'm not looking. You just awakened a sleeping giant.
- Jack Ryan: You gotta admit, this is a great boat, even if it is called the Allison.
- Nancy Hayes: Wait til you see the one they name after me.
- Frank Pizzarro: Harris says I know where you're hiding.
- Jack Ryan: First of all, I'm not really hiding. Second of all, you would never tell him where I was hiding because you're my friend, right?
- Frank Pizzarro: I'm desperate for this money and we're friend, right?
- Jack Ryan: Yeah, we're friends. But, you know, it's the type of friendship where if you're in trouble, I probably won't be there for you. Just like I wouldn't expect you to be there for me. It's a more honest friendship. It's not this like phony thing. It's a genuine friendship. I can't trust you. You can't trust me. I'm not gonna take a bullet for you. I'm not gonna jump on a grenade for you. I'm gonna...
- Frank Pizzarro: Jack, cut the shit, will you.
- Nancy Hayes: What a freak hole.
- Jack Ryan: What?
- Nancy Hayes: Jack, it's really depressing here. I'm depressed. I'm depressed.
- Jack Ryan: That's one of the things I like about it is how depressing it is. It's like where dreams go to die.
- Walter Crewes: Jack, was that you giggling?
- Jack Ryan: Nope. Must have been Number 9.
- Walter Crewes: Well, what are you doing sneaking around here?
- Jack Ryan: I'm not sneaking around. No, I was just thinking. Sometimes when I'm thinking it looks like I'm sneaking.
- Jack Ryan: There's no beer in the fridge.
- Nancy Hayes: Look in the cabinet.
- Jack Ryan: In the cabinet? What are you, British?
- Nancy Hayes: Frank something came here last night and told me if I didn't give him $1500 for the wallets, he'd go to the cops. He settled for $450.
- Jack Ryan: You got robbed. He would have settled for $100.
- Nancy Hayes: Jack, what do you think will happen if that money reaches those thugs.
- Jack Ryan: I don't know. They'll probably have a hell of a luau.
- Nancy Hayes: I mean to Walter!
- Jack Ryan: We'll probably get invited.
- Jack Ryan: She just has a little mischief in her that makes her kind of fun to be around. The other day she took off her clothes and then she folded them in this neat little pile.
- Walter Crewes: You really are smitten.
- Jack Ryan: Sometimes you get so alone it just makes sense. That make sense?
- Walter Crewes: Hell no. And if you think you're gonna be able to control this girl or control yourself with her, you've got a mind-breaking realization coming, son. She's nothing but trouble.
- Jack Ryan: The problem is, Walter, a lot of the stuff you say makes me kinda want to be around her.