Jeremy Sumpter went from 5 feet tall to 5' 8" during filming. The window of the nursery had to be rebuilt 4 times because the actor kept hitting his head on it.
Following tradition (in both theatre and film), the actor portraying Captain Hook is the same actor portraying Mr. Darling (Wendy's father). In this case, it's Jason Isaacs.
"Nana" was a Newfoundland, a breed particularly good with children, not a St. Bernard as used in the film. J.M. Barrie modeled Nana after his own dog, a Landseer Newfoundland. These dogs were very popular in Victorian England and were actually used to supervise children.
Both Rachel Hurd-Wood and Jeremy Sumpter had to be hospitalized at different points in filming due to injury and exhaustion.
Finding Neverland (2004), a film about J. M. Barrie and the creation of Peter Pan, was originally scheduled to be released in 2003, but the producers of this film - who held the screen rights to the story - refused permission for that film to use scenes from the play unless its release was delayed until the following year.