1 review
Film is set in a few days of winter 1996-97, when, for 3 cold months, Serbia was on streets protesting against Milosevic. If you expected to feel the hope that arose, the infectious spirit of optimism (that eventually faded away) you will be disappointed. Except few documentary scenes, there was nothing of that kind. The film is about a bunch of policemen, who wanders in a bus through the streets of Belgrade, waiting to confront the demonstrators. What really happens is that they confront each other, and fight with their own doubts too. The idea was basically very good, and the acting crew was great, but something failed, and it turned out not to be that impressive at all to me. The problem was that some scenes and situations were too exaggerated, and did not appear very convincing at all. And what also bothered me was that the film was not historically very accurate, and I cannot explain why, it was not that long time ago, after all... Anyway, nothing breath-taking, but still, worth watching after all: but before you start watching, leave too high expectations aside.