Vincent D'Onofrio credited as playing...
Mike Cobb
- [Justin tells his father at work that he was accepted into college]
- Mike Cobb: Well, you know, what does it mean?
- Justin Cobb: It means I want to go.
- Mike Cobb: Just like that?
- Justin Cobb: They want me to go to their summer-school thing. They want me to make up some math and language credits this summer.
- [long pause]
- Mike Cobb: [quiet, and sad Mike says] I was just getting used to you.
- Mike Cobb: [stands up after another pause and taps on his work desk] I gotta go deal with this shipment.
- [Mike stares at Justin before padding his head and walking out]
- [Mike and Audrey Cobb lay in bed together discussing the sudden success of Justin in his debating skills]
- Audrey Cobb: You know, you should see him. He wears this tie.
- [laughs]
- Audrey Cobb: It's important to be supportive. And seen.
- Mike Cobb: Can't believe it was almost easier when he was always fucking up.
- Audrey Cobb: Yeah.
- Mike Cobb: He looks like he thinks he's smarter than me.
- Audrey Cobb: Well, maybe that's the way it goes.