There's lots wrong with this game, but honestly it just takes the complete mickey out of anyone wanting to play it - let alone enjoy it!
End game becomes absolute garbage, bloody palace is just a spam fest of goats who hover extremely high in the air shooting at you constantly.. All while the ground enemies also attack you (and you auto aim at them, instead of the bigger threat looming in the skies). Dante doesn't feel like Dante, he's underpowered and every time you're knocked down, movement is extremely slow.
So what else? Let's see. The story is trash, and also you don't ever unlock any new movesets! Yup, that's right, no progression bonus except having to buy upgrades for your weapons... Which all suck by the way. Guns are overpowered in this game.
Save yourself a total snooze fest and pass. DMC1 is a brilliant game, and so is 3. This one belongs in the bin.
PS: This game was made in 4 months.. Says a lot about how bad it is.