- Bhagat Singh: [singing] You will make the skies stoop, if only you never lose courage. If you desire, you can bring the stars to earth.
- Bhagat Singh: What are you up to?
- Vidyavati Sandhu: Getting you married. Your father has arranged a match for you.
- Bhagat Singh: Without asking me?
- Kishan Singh Sandhu: Had my father asked me?
- Bhagat Singh: But mom...
- Vidyavati Sandhu: No buts. Did we ever interfere in your life? Even when you became an atheist? Now go and get dressed.
- Bhagat Singh: I don't want to marry. I've chosen a path that's very difficult.
- Mannewali: I'll walk behind you.
- Bhagat Singh: It'll be a world of sorrow.
- Mannewali: I shall bear it.
- Bhagat Singh: But I cannot take you along.
- Mannewali: Then I shall await your return.
- Bhagat Singh: What if I never return?
- Mahatma Gandhi: We will fight. Of course we will. Not violently. By non-violent means. Our weapon will be a total non-cooperation movement. Henceforth, no Indian will cooperate with the British government. Government employees resign their jobs. Workers, walk out of your factories. Children, stop going to government schools. Don't pay any tax. Burn all your imported textiles. Bring the entire machinery of the British government to a halt. You do this, and I promise you independence within one year.
- Markand: This is the advantage of marriage. No matter where you are, your food will reach you in time.
- Bhagat Singh: [while grasping a spear blade, causing his hand to bleed] Spilling blood is no big deal, sir, be it one's own or another's. But will that blood arouse future generations? That's my dream.
- Bhagat Singh: What kind of freedom can we hope for, if we fight over religion and caste perpetually?
- Prof. Amarnath Vidyalankar: Think it over. The path is dangerous. For the revolutionary it's only his ideal, his party that matters to him. For him there's no comfort, no rest...
- Bhagat Singh: No joys, no love, no family, nothing. We're ready to make every sacrifice.
- Sukhdev Thapar: Who took over from Robert Clive?
- Markand: Warren Hastings. October 20, 1774.
- Sukhdev Thapar: What a patriot. It's fellows like you who'll bring in the revolution here. Saw that, Bhagwati? Knows their history in detail. Answers what I didn't even ask.
- Bhagwati Charan Vora: Not his fault, Sukhdev. Colleges hammer in their history, making us forget our own.
- Prof. Amarnath Vidyalankar: It is essential to rebel. But there's a method to it.
- Bhagat Singh: Non-violence?
- Prof. Amarnath Vidyalankar: Gandhi isn't the only alternative. The masses have enough power to uproot the mightiest regime. Organize them like the Bolsheviks did in Russia. It can be done here too, definitely it can be.
- Bhagat Singh: The enemy can kill people, not their ideals. And as long as our ideals live, the party lives. We shall nourish these ideas with our blood. Our goal is revolution. Let us take the revolution to the masses, whatever the price.
- Ram Prasad Bismil: You read a few books and want to play 'revolution-revolution.' A rich bored lad is out for some adventure, is it? When the police whiplash your naked body on a slab of ice, all your fire will be quickly doused. Go home, son. This struggle demands blood.
- Carden Noad: Your Honor, is this a murder trial, or a celebration?
- Sukhdev Thapar: It's a celebration! The celebration of the revolution!
- Bhagat Singh: We cherish human life. We'd sooner die than kill an innocent man. But this policeman is not innocent. His actions reflect the cruelty and inhumanity of the power behind him. By hitting him, we attack that power.
- Sukhdev Thapar: To fight in a British court requires language, Bhagat. An impeccable understanding of history, politics. The power of arguing, conviction, wit. Presence of mind and the nerve to take on the best of them.
- Bhagat Singh: Respected father, I don't know whether I will see you again. I have reached that stage of my journey, where I am no longer a son, a brother, or a friend. I am only a revolutionary whose only aim is freedom for his country. I am sure I have your blessings. Yours, Bhagat.
- Bhagat Singh: The masses are awakening. Tell these British to run away now, or they will be kicked out.
- Bhagat Singh: Only freedom is not our aim. What is this freedom? A transfer of power from the British to a handful of rich and powerful Indians? Is this freedom? Will that make any difference to the life of a common man? To the laborer? To the poor man? Will this freedom give them their rights? No. Comrades. Freedom is just the first step. The aim is to build a nation. A nation which guarantees equal rights to all in society. A society that doesn't discriminate on grounds of religion. A nation that does not tolerate the exploitation of man by man.
- Bhagat Singh: Violence is when you use force to exploit people, to oppress them. The fight for one's life, for dignity, for rights is not violence. It is self-defense.
- Jailor: Your hunger strike makes no difference. Why are you doing this?
- Bhagat Singh: Because I can't tolerate injustice.
- Jailor: And I can't tolerate disobedience.
- Bhagat Singh: Very well, Jailer. You be loyal to your job. I'll be loyal to my country.
- Bhagat Singh: The revolution we dream of can never be fulfilled unless the common people are with us.
- Emerson: Bhagat Singh's popularity is forcing the Congress to behave more militantly. Just read Nehru's speech.
- Irwin: But the man's in jail, Herbert. And I thought we had enough witnesses in this case.
- Emerson: The case has become a comedy, sir. Bhagat Singh and his friends run their damn revolution from jail, and treat the court like their propaganda office.
- Mahatma Gandhi: Three young men are to be hanged...
- Irwin: Do you mean Bhagat Singh?
- Mahatma Gandhi: If he is martyred, the atmosphere in the country could get prejudiced. Can something be done about this?
- Irwin: I quite appreciate your view, Mr. Gandhi. But I cannot conceive of anyone who is more thoroughly deserving of capital punishment than Bhagat Singh.
- Mahatma Gandhi: Non-violence and love are the only two ways to attain freedom. Because with them we can win the hearts of our enemy.
- Bhagat Singh: [singing] Like the humming of life, we will live on the breaths of every generation to come.
- Vidyavati Sandhu: Tell me, Bhagat. You think about everything... Your ideals, your country, your struggle. Didn't you ever think about your mother?
- Bhagat Singh: Whenever I thought of my country, you were the one I saw. You were my inspiration, Mother. You are my strength.
- Subhash Chandra Bose: In one voice the whole country demands only one thing... Commute the hangings of Bhagat Singh and his friends! Bhagat Singh is not just a person. He is a wave of revolution that is sweeping over the country. Some may not concur with his methods. But no one can deny his spirit of sacrifice and patriotism!
- Bhagat Singh: Do you realize what you have done? You have gone and abjectly appealed for mercy to that very court, the very government that we reject! I know you don't agree with my methods. But you have no right to interfere with my fight! Forgive me, Babu-ji. But you have stabbed me in the back.
- Kishan Singh Sandhu: [crying] Bhagat. No, son. I'm your father. You tell me, what could I do? What could a father do?
- Bhagat Singh: You can be an inspiration for other fathers... so that they do not hesitate to send their sons to die for freedom... This is a test for all of us, father. We will have to be strong.
- Bhagat Singh: Is this your law? Is this your justice? You are cowards, killers in the guise of judges! Never again shall we set foot in this dishonest and corrupt place!