Fits & Starts is a short film (10 minutes) centered focused on a man and a woman, Verlin and Iris, "conversing" with each other while sitting on a couch. The film spoofs many conventions of film-making, and is very surrealistic.
What an amazing film! Although I haven't seen any of Vince Di Meglio's other directorial work yet--the bulk of his film credits are in visual effects--I can't wait to see more after watching Fits & Starts. This is what I want more feature length films to be like. Fits & Starts is unapologetically rule-breaking and bizarre, but at the same time it doesn't just play like a random progression of images, as some intentionally odd films, or sections of films, do. Even though Verlin and Iris have very limited changes of expression, and they don't literally talk to one another, their interaction is captivating, well shot, and Di Meglio's barbs at film-making conventions are both funny and enlightening.
My only slight complaint is that I would have preferred to hear less traditional music, but it's not enough to bring down my rating of this film. A 10 out of 10 from me.