Surprisingly fresh, frank and lively film comes from Argentine, a gloomy country in terrible political, economical and ethical state. In his feature debut brave young man Diego Lerman has shown excellent knowledge of psychology of the youngsters who found themselves in hopeless situation. From the perspective of a Bosnian spectator, whose reality is not far from Argentinean, and having a friend there I know very well how similar are our lives, the story seems exceptionally convincing and realistic.
Two lesbian punks, Mao and Lenin (their nicknames could be a separate story!), hassle an unhappy chubby girl with shocking, direct sexual invitation. Poor Marcia, threatened with a knife, is being kidnapped «in the name of love» and her life turns upside-down in a flash. Her boring, monotonous world suddenly becomes an exciting, unpredictable and sometimes even scary adventure. Development and transformations of the characters are done marvelously and black and white division of between them in the beginning of this black and white film gets newer, richer spectrum and wider variety of gray shades. What looked like a funny on-the-road film in its beginning slowly becomes a drama. Widening the focus from three teenage girls to the characters of different generations and occupations shows that nothing is as simple as it looks at the first glance. Special credits go to the old Lenin's auntie whose appearing brings genuine, sincere and deep emotions.
I am not sure whether flattering comparison with Jim Jarmusch's films gains the point. You cannot say there was nothing «Jarmuschian» in this film (i.e. fabulous scene when five characters sit together around the table after the aunt has died), but it is far from copying the probable hero. With his clear expression an evident messages, Lerman cuts deep into the womb of a society. The simple fact he sees the way out of crises in connecting, understanding and supporting within family and friends is so human and well meant. Should you see this film? You bet!