Diane Ladd credited as playing...
Sally Druse
- Sally Druse: I'm not sure what it was, it looked kind of like a, a giant hairdryer...
- Otto: That sounds like Dr. Massingale's Dream Machine. MEG she calls it, I have no idea what that stands for...
- Sally Druse: Take me there!
- Otto: Me...? Well, I'm kind of on-duty.
- Sally Druse: Otto!... You were asleep.
- Otto: [sheepishly] Yeah, but...
- Sally Druse: Bobby will watch your screens for you. You show me that MEG machine RIGHT NOW.
- Sally Druse: Please, Dr. Stegman, this woman is get ready to do something...
- Dr. Stegman: [cutting her off] Oh, getting ready to do something, how interesting. What might that be?
- Dr. Stegman: [Stegman spots Sally Druse wandering the hospital halls when she was told not to] Nurse, stop that woman! Take her to otology and test her hearing, then confine her to her bed with a slow IV drip.
- Sally Druse: Why otology? Why my ears?
- Dr. Stegman: [to nurse] There's something dreadfully wrong with her hearing, watch this.
- Dr. Stegman: [screaming] Go to your room! Malinger in your own bed, Mrs. Munchausen! You see? I keep on doing that and every time I turn around she's back wandering the halls. To otology, and then strict bed rest. Go, go, go!
- Sally Druse: Oh, you're not afraid of Dr. Stegman, I know you're not.
- Dr. Hook: Maybe not, but I am afraid of what Nat Rickman might think if I let Kingdom Hospital's most notorious psychic hypochondriac use her neurologically-impaired husband as a ouija board.
- Sally Druse: Oh, 'scuze me, I am *not* a hypochondriac.