2 reviews
The Documentary, HE WALKS IN BEAUTY, is the major EXTRA on the restored DVD release of George Steven's THE GREATEST STORY EVER TOLD -- and is quite simply MAGNIFICENT! Largely made up of wonderful fimed interviews done by George Stevens,Jr. for the excellent documentary, GEORGE STEVENS: A FILMMAKER'S JOURNEY, this gives us deeper feeling for how Stevens approached the filming of Christ's life in the way he did. To hear the actors who were a part of this marvelous undertaking express themselves about not only director, George Stevens, but about their approach to their roles is priceless. I have come to view THE GREATEST STORY EVER TOLD as one of the true masterworks of the screen and this documentary adds great insight into the making of the film. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED -- BOTH THE DOCUMENTARY AND THE FILM!
The Greatest Story Ever Told is one of my favourite films, and also one of the most critically underrated. I saw it first in 1965 at the Casino Cinerama cinema in London. Being a Christian I was deeply moved, especially by Max Von Sydow as Jesus. Since then I have three separate video versions. I am eager to discover the 240 minute version. But I see that the DVD, containing the documentary "He Walks in Beauty" has no UK release dates, which is very unfair since I suspect there is a core of fans in England who like me love admire and respect the film and what the great director George Stevens was trying to do. As Max Von Sydow said: "No film like this can please everybody so in a sense it was a failure, but it was a very beautiful and a very moving failure."