- Mrs. Baker: Don't you think that it makes more sense to wait until after we move to the new place before we get the dog? I'm just thinking of the dog that way he won't have to relearn a new house, a new neighborhood, and all that other... newness.
- Owen: We had a deal, Mom.
- Mrs. Baker: We did. We sure, we sure, we absolutely did.
- Owen: [quoting Mrs. Baker] "The best way to achieve your goals, Owen, is to make a plan, work hard, and always keep your eyes on the prize."
- Mrs. Baker: That's an exact quote, isn't it?
- Owen: I want my prize.
- Owen: So, when that retriever you talked about comes for you, you're planning on going back with them?
- Hubble: [a little guiltily] Well, this is only a temporary mission.
- Owen: Right. I get it.
- Hubble: I appreciate your hosting me for the time being, but...
- Owen: It's okay.
- [Sadly, more to himself than to Hubble]
- Owen: I'm used to temporary missions.
- Barbara Ann: [When she learns that Owen can understand what dogs say] Can we just talk about how pretty I am?