Joan Cusack credited as playing...
Rachel Bitterman
- Rachel Bitterman: "Working for a dream." That's beautiful. You know, my employees work for salaries.
- Kermit: Ms. Bitterman, you can take the Muppet Theatre, but you'll never take the theatre in our hearts!
- Rachel Bitterman: Well, that's good, because I don't want the theatre in your hearts; I want the theatre that exists in reality!
- Rachel Bitterman: You are very fit for a plus sized pig.
- Miss Piggy: And you will not look good with a plus sized lip.
- Kermit: We're going to get you that money.
- Rachel Bitterman: Yeah, when pigs fly.
- [Miss Piggy suddeny comes flying by, dangling from the "five golden rings"]
- Rachel Bitterman: For the record, I consider that flying pig to be a coincidence and not a sign from God!
- Fozzie: Where's Ms. Bitterman's office? I gotta get this money up to her!
- Security Guard: Let me think. If I was a bear, I'd store my honey in a tree somewhere...
- Fozzie: No, not honey! Money! I gotta see Ms. Bitterman so I can give her her MO-NEY!
- Security Guard: Oh, Ms. Bitterman's laundry. She's on the 17th floor. I'll call her to tell her you're coming.
- Fozzie: Thank you!
- Security Guard: Gesundheit.
- [Cut to Ms. Bitterman's office. She answers the phone]
- Rachel Bitterman: Hello?
- [pause]
- Rachel Bitterman: No! That can't be! Stop him!
- [pause]
- Rachel Bitterman: No, not stockings! STOP HIM! Oh, never mind.