Michael Seater credited as playing...
Lucas Randall • Vaughn Pearson
- Lucas Randall: So how do we know which one is Josie?
- Josie Trent: Are you kidding me, Lucas, if you had half a brain you'd be dangerous!
- Lucas Randall: Ouch, that's definitely Josie.
- Marshall Wheeler: Maybe you've been cloned.
- Josie Trent: [looks at Marshall] Remember that half a brain comment I just made to Lucas? Well, I think I just found the other half.
- Lucas Randall: [to Marshall] ... and you dressed up like a girl and won the camp beauty contest.
- Marshall Wheeler: Hey! You promised you wouldn't tell anyone about that!
- Lucas Randall: [to Professor Z] So you're saying we grew a Josie from a petri dish? Does this mean we all get an "A"?
- Corrine: Big memories are called islands of memories.
- Vaughn Pearson: Like scoring the winning touchdown.
- Marshall Wheeler: Or winning your first science medal.
- Lucas Randall: Or your first pair of big-boy underwear.
- [everyone stares at him]
- Lucas Randall: Like it wasn't big to you guys!
- Marshall Wheeler: Well I became invisible, Lucas aged sixty five years, Corrine the same day over and over, Josie and Vaughan went back in time.
- Corrine: What we know is that the school has issues.
- Lucas Randall: I'm telling you it's all connected.
- Marshall Wheeler: Okay. But how?
- Corrine: I don't know. But if we're listing the strange things at this school, don't forget about the black hole.