Like an earlier poster commented, I didn't give this a show a chance until accidentally tuning into it one night. From then on, I found it funny (in an ironic way). I first watched the series with Corey Feldman, Trisha from Real World, Ron Jeremy, et al. I give these people a lot of credit (or guts) for doing this. The camera isn't always kind and the crew records EVERYTHING these folks say. What's amusing about this show is that there's always the "strange one" (Chyna Doll, Verne Troyer, or Vanilla Ice, for example) who wig out or go off on some sort of inexplicable bender...the "what-the-hell-love-match" (Adrianne Curry and Chris Knight or Flavor Flav and Brigitte Nielsen) which is hilarious to watch, though you kind of root them on, too...then the "obnoxious ones" (Feldman, Jerry Manthey, Ryan Starr, Omarosa, etc.) who seem to have checked their manners and sensitivity at the door. Janice Dickinson (in the latest one) is a whole other ball game, given that she's just plain mean to the bone and bitter (apparently she has some horrible and serious past issues she hasn't dealt with yet). I hate to say it but I dig this show and it's worth a peek. You may find yourself laughing at some of the most hair-brained things that are said or done by these poor celebs!