The original police car in pursuit of the BMW when it flies off the hill is a Chevrolet Caprice. Yet when he tells him to pull over, the police car that is chasing him is a Ford Crown Victoria. But the police car that crashes into a Ford Bronco is the Chevrolet Caprice again.
When the Driver first gets into the car, he does not put on his seat belt. However, in all subsequent shots, he is wearing it.
When the driver approaches the drawbridge, there is no semi on the bridge, or pulling up to it. As he drives away from the edge, an eighteen wheeler is parked in front of the white Ford truck that is seen in the approach shot.
The pair of scissors between the big top burger drinks cup and mobile phone disappears between shots.
Like most movies, a mistake is made with the sound of the revolver. It will not make the "clicking sound" until is has engaged the ratchet pawl within the gun. So while the cylinder spins outside the gun, it shouldn't be making the sound it makes.