- The film follows the story of Duncan, a fourteen-year-old misfit farm boy trying to fill the void and alleviate the numbness left by his mother's passing. Unable to let her go quite yet, Duncan mimics his dead mother. He talks in her voice at the dinner table and wears her fur coat to bed. Edgar, Duncan's distant sixty-year-old father, doesn't understand the strange manifestations of his son's mourning. Why can't Duncan grieve like a normal person? Macho mate Perry Foley, who has it physically even harder on his dad's farm, usually comforts Duncan and defends his 'wimpiness' to their cocky ruffian mates Travis, Scotty and Brent. But although clearly attracted to gentle Duncan himself, the socially unacceptable suggestion of 'sissy' homosexuality makes Perry over-react and turn on his friend.—KGF Vissers
- Fourteen-year-old misfit farm boy Duncan Midge tries to cope with his mother's death. To do so, he mimics her behavior, right down to wearing her fur coat to bed. This causes Duncan's father further grief, who doesn't understand his son's unusual mourning rites.—Anonymous
- The film follows the story of Duncan, a fourteen-year-old misfit farm boy trying to fill the void and alleviate the numbness left by his mother's passing. Unable to let her go quite yet, Duncan mimics his dead mother. He talks in her voice at the dinner table and wears her fur coat to bed. Edgar, Duncan's distant sixty-year-old father, doesn't understand the strange manifestations of his son's mourning. Why can't Duncan grieve like a normal person? Edgar becomes intent on laying down some new rules and turning his coddled son into someone who can take on the family farm.—Anonymous
- Duncan Mudge (Emile Hirsch) is a shy and immature small-town mama's boy who spends most of his time on his father's farm with his favorite chicken. When his mother suffers a heart attack and dies, Duncan behaves even more oddly, occasionally adopting her voice and wearing her robe to sleep in.
Most of the kids in Duncan's town don't understand him and make fun of him. His only friend, Perry (Tom Guiry), is Duncan's link to a few friends after Duncan gives them money to buy beer. As Duncan hangs out with his new friends more and more, he discovers an attraction to Perry.
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