- A lonely, mentally handicapped boy befriends his reflection in an antique mirror. This demonic creature orders him to go on a murderous rampage to kill the people he loves most.
- The mentally handicapped thirty year-old man Dennis lives with his older brother John. When John decorates his room with an antique mirror, Dennis has nightmares and finds evil in his reflection. His reflected image forces him to kill people including his beloved ice-cream seller Susan and Dennis becomes a serial-killer. Meanwhile John's girlfriend Lydia decides to move in together with John and Dennis ignoring the threat of her brother-in-law.—Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- Dennis is a "developmentally-handicapped" 30 year old man who lives with his older brother John. When John adds an 'oversized' antique mirror to Dennis's room he immediately objects. Dennis gets overwhelming feelings of "evil" and "doom" when he first sees the mirror. John pleas with Dennis to just give it a chance, as John & Dennis already agreed on how they were going to decorate the home left to them by their parents. When Dennis begins having very realistic nightmares and "sees" & "hears" evil in his own reflection he becomes even more terrified and begs big brother John to get it out of his room. When John is ready to move the mirror Dennis has a sudden, strange "change of heart" and insists the mirror be left in his room as he has gotten used to it and even likes the mirror now... However his "new best friend" which first appears as Dennis's own reflected image, starts to influence him to do things that Dennis wouldn't ordinarily do. Even going as far as to "force" Dennis to kill people including "the love of his life" Susan, the cute, sweet & pretty female who works at Dennis's favorite ice-cream shop and always treats Dennis extra special because she knows he's extra sensitive. After this first kill Dennis becomes somewhat of an "insatiable serial-killer" all the while his big brother is too busy to notice that anything is "off." John is preoccupied and overwhelmed by the fact that his girlfriend "Lydia" who loves Dennis like a little brother with "special needs" and who Dennis loves equally in the same way, decides that she will finally move-in with John & Dennis as Dennis needs a constant female / motherly influence in his life. Unfortunately Lydia is a bit late, as Dennis has already developed an appetite for blood... In all the initial happiness & excitement of Lydia moving in and completing John & Dennis's little family, Lydia & John are too focused on everything else except the fact that Dennis may now have Lydia set in his sites, as his next victim / prey. Will Dennis end up being fully controlled and influenced by his new best friend, "The Man in the Mirror" ?? Or will Lydia & John save themselves by saving Dennis?? Strap yourselves in and get ready for a "bumpy & bizarre" ride through one man's twisted perception of reality and find out!! Mizztress Bella
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