What else is there to say but "It's Gravitation!"
Once getting over the gimick of "Hey! Look at the gay guys!" this show still has some neat stuff to offer. The singing is amazing, just check out the OST. The characters are amazing. The songs are great. It's histerically funny. The background music is superb. The animation is -very- pretty. And did I mention the music?
Get used to The Rage Beat, though, because you're going to hear it a thousand times. And you better like random English, because at -least- a quarter of this completely forsakes Japanese.
Which is really, really funny. ^^ After Sakano-san's random outburst of "Oh my sweet baby" whilst spinning his head, I had no respect for my own language anymore.
If you're looking for plot, though, go far far away. There's really nothing more than the band thing and the Yuki nonsense. Yeah, you finally learn what happened in his past. Ta-da.
Rather, this show is driven by the characters. Especially Ryuchi! Kumagoro BEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAMMMMMMMM!
((You might want to check out the OAV for that one.))
So if you're a shounen-ai fan and you want something cute and fluffy, this is the show for you.
((Also recommended: FAKE))