Club Dread (2004)
Michael Weaver: Roy
Roy : [Roy and Manny are watching the girls go by, by the pool] Bogey, bogey - at 12 noon.
Manny : [excited] Holy shit, dude. I know that chick! That's the chick on that TV show "A.M. Pump Up With Amy Aerobics."
Roy : Oh, yeah. Yeah. She's the one in the way back.
Manny : Dude, she was. But then the chick by the palm tree died, so she got promoted to palm tree. And then Amy Aerobics died, and so she's the new Number One chick, dude. She's the new Amy Aerobics!
Roy : Whoa, whoa, whoa. Amy Aerobics died? What did she die of?
Manny : She didn't die of a fat ass, I'll tell you that, bro.
[both laughing; Roy belly-bumps Manny and hugs him]
Manny : Dude, don't be gay, man.