Patrick Fugit credited as playing...
- Pastor Skip: Patrick, this is not a gray area.
- Patrick: Dad, it's all a gray area.
- [during the school assembly, Cassandra stands up and begins yelling in Spanish]
- Tia: [thinking] Oh my god, the Jew girl's speaking in tongues!
- [Cassandra rips open her shirt]
- Roland: She's going to show her boobs! Thank you Jesus!
- Patrick: [thinking] She is, she's going to show her boobs!
- [looking horrified, Hilary Faye stands up at the podium]
- Hilary Faye: She's saying she has a hot pussy!
- [the word "pussy" is bleeped out by microphone feedback]
- Patrick: I like you, Mary. I do. God gave us free will, and that day at Hilary Faye's, you weren't afraid to use it. You inspired me. You amaze me, Mary.
- Patrick: Come here. Sorry
- [as he walks in front of people]
- Mary: What are you doing, Patrick?
- Patrick: I just wanna see what's in here.
- Mary: But...
- Patrick: No, no, come on.
- Mary: No! We're not allowed...
- Patrick: Just for a second.
- Mary: I don't think we should be in here.
- Patrick: Yes, yes we should definitely be in here.
- Mary: No.
- Pastor Skip: [after Patrick suggests his parents should have divorced] Because divorce is not part of God's plan.
- Patrick: Dad, you need to think of a new plan.
- Hilary Faye: Want to get something to eat with us?
- Patrick: We're going to DQ.
- Cassandra: Why? So we can watch Hilary Faye try to get into your Easter basket? No thanks.