In São Paulo, the businessman Roberto Ramos (David Cardoso) has a broken leg plastered and is helped by his assistant Camila at home. His ex-wife and a man called Fernando are interested in a mysterious key that Roberto possesses and Fernando sends three sexy women to Roberto's apartment to seduce him and find where the key is hidden. Wilma, Helena and Dora have sex with Roberto while Camila snoops her boss at the door, but they do not succeed in their intent. Meanwhile a thief breaks in his apartment and Roberto kills the man in self-defense. The detective in charge of the investigation believes that Roberto is a gangster and leader of a gang. Fernando sends a letter to Roberto and schedules a meeting with him in a restaurant. Fernando proposes a deal to Roberto but he does not accept. Late night, Roberto explains to Camila that the desired key opens a bank safe where there is a black book, deeds and dollars, but they are interrupted by criminals that break in the apartment. However Roberto and Camila kill two gangsters. On the next morning, Fernando uses the urchin Kito that had befriended Roberto's daughter Tallyta to help him to abduct the little girl. Roberto's ex- wife kills Fernando and Roberto makes a deal with the police, delivering the key that is hidden in the plaster of his leg, and they rescue Tallyta from the criminals.
"Tentação na Cama" is a lame crime story but with very sexy women. The narcissist bodybuilder David Cardoso exposes his naked body and is responsible for one of the most hilarious and dated scene, when he refuses to use condom with the prostitute Wilma. In the end of the film, when Roberto and Camila rescue Tallyta with the police, it is very funny to see one guy shooting the floor and two criminals falling down. My vote is three.
Title (Brazil): "Tentação na Cama" ("Temptation on the Bed")