Kucch To Hai is a slasher film directed by Anurag Basu & Anil V. Kumar. The film stars Tusshar Kapoor, Esha Deol, Anita Hassanandani, Yash Tonk, Late Rishi Kapoor, Jeetendra and Moonmoon Sen.
Some collage students with a disturbing past reunite for a wedding where a mysterious killer starts killing them to seek a revenge.
What a pathetic film. There is nothing exciting in the film apart from some good and mesmerizing songs.
The plot of the film is an inspiration from a Hollywood film and the execution is bad, the film although being a slasher film the film is more focused on love story and the murder mystery is woven around the love story.
Acting is very sad and all the lead characters such as Tusshar Kapoor, Esha Deol and Anita Hassanandani irritates. Late Rishi Kapoor is a talented actor was was wasted completely. Legends like Johnny Lever and Late Razak Khan's comedy was majorly ineffective.
The screenplay is average and doesn't keep the story holding, the twists doesn't excites much and the climax becomes predictable.
Apart from Music there is nothing great in this film that can convince the viewer to watch the film.