- Lem Cooley, the circuit barber, is riding down a mountain trail, when he sees a lone bandit holding up the stage-coach. Deciding that the affair is none of his, he moves off in the opposite direction. Soon, however, his attention is attracted by a masked man hastily counting money. Observing the bandit throw away the handkerchief in which the money had been wrapped, Lem picks it up. On arrival at camp Lem is soon very busy. Men are waiting their turn when Christy, the town bully, demands that Lem shave him at once. Lem sticks the shaving brush in Christy's face and is about to settle the argument when Christy draws his gun. Zillia, Christy's daughter, mockingly calls out "Don't hurt the little barber, dad!" That evening Lem again pays his respects to Zillia, but Christy empties a basin of water on his head and departs, vowing vengeance on Zillia and her dad. Later a card game is in progress and Lem is winning, while Christy is a heavy loser. A dispute arises and Lem bets his pile against Christy's girl. Winning the wager, but dropping his handkerchief in his excitement, the barber starts for Christy's shack. Meanwhile, Zillia has been exploring about the woods, and comes upon an express-box hidden in the bushes. She recognizes her father's handiwork, but resolves to keep silent. Finding Zillia at home, Lem carries her off by force. Before reaching the preacher's, however, Lem decides to return home with Zillia, as he doesn't care to force her love. They are overtaken by a posse sent out by the sheriff, who has recognized Lem's handkerchief as the one stolen by the bandit. Realizing Lem is not guilty, Zillia returns to her shack and is shadowed by the sheriff. She accuses her father of stealing the express-box and helps Lem to escape from the prison. He is caught, however, and about to be hanged, when the sheriff appears with Christy, the real bandit. Zillia is heart-broken at her father's shame, and Lem, now a free man, says he will return the money.—Moving Picture World synopsis
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