David Keith credited as playing...
Nate Springfield
- Nate Springfield: What was the last thing you saw before you were knocked out?
- Elisha Springfield: Stars.
- Nate Springfield: What was the last thing that you saw before you got knocked out?
- Elisha Springfield: Stars.
- Coach Marquardt: Snyder. A weak body the result of a weak mind.
- Nate Springfield: Since when was bullying a part of the curriculum here?
- Coach Marquardt: Since when was toilet cleaning a prerequisite for ethics?
- Nate Springfield: Come on, don't tell me you don't see the strong ones pick on the weak.
- Coach Marquardt: If it seems that at times the strong prey on the weak, well that's part of their education. The weak toughen up or they fall behind. The strong prevail and we are all better off.
- Nate Springfield: [twisting the coaches fingers in a painful position] We're only as strong as our weakest link, wouldn't you agree coach?