Tara Strong credited as playing...
Raven • Gizmo • Elasti-Girl • Kitten • Kole • 50's Sitcom Mother • Jinx • Teether
- Raven: You may have created me. But you were *never* my father.
- [blasts Trigon]
- Trigon: Wretched - insignificant -
- [gets blasted again]
- Raven: Fathers are *kind*. Fathers *protect* you. Fathers *raise* you. I was protected by the monks of Azarath. I was raised by my friends. *They* are my family. *This* is my home. And you are not welcome here!
- Raven: [after she and Starfire have switched bodies] Starfire! You have to calm down. My powers are driven by emotion. The more you feel, the more energy you unleash.
- Starfire: I will try to calm down.
- [takes a few deep breaths and closes her eyes]
- Starfire: Peace... quiet... tranquil...
- [her powers cause a car to flip over and blow sky high]
- Raven: We are sooo doomed.
- [Raven wakes up from a nightmare in her goth-style room]
- Raven: Maybe I should consider redecorating.
- Robin: You can't hold us here forever!
- Spike: Now, don't be a sore loser. Atlas is just better than you, better than all of us!
- Starfire: Your Atlas is nothing but a Zolworg Tubeck Plixing Zarbmarker!
- Beast Boy: Yeah! What she said!
- Spike: You watch your tone! Atlas is the greatest. He deserves your respect.
- Raven: Sooo, do we get bathroom breaks?
- Raven: The gem was born of evil's fire. / The gem shall be his portal. / He comes to claim. He comes to sire. / The end of all things mortal.