Okay...let me start off by saying that this film is not for everyone. If you are looking Hollywood production values, suspenseful scares, and character studies portrayed by the best the industry has to offer...you can skip this film. If you are looking for over the top gore and a fun filled hour and a half. Go for it. The idea is basically a counselor is trying a new approach to deal with troubled children so he takes them camping...so its not an original idea but what is these days terror in the woods is s staple of the genre so you know hat you are in for. Once there trouble happens the kids need help...but there is a giant alien monster in the way...Okay so it's not Ittenbach's best effects work but at least he was trying something new with monster design instead of just visceral gore. There is a nice import version available with English subs so you can follow the story...well whatever story there really is; but these films are not about story they are about horror...they are amateur releases that I feel hold true to the essence that was horror..in the same vain as Texas Chainsaw massacre, the Hills Have Eyes; Last House on the Left, Blood Shack and other...they are low budget, low value, campy films that have more heart and soul than most of the crap released in America over the past ten years. What makes these movies great is not the acting, cinematography, elaborate story..but rather the energy that is behind the production; that is still felt in the finished product..Timo Rose who made this film..loved this movie and you know it...watching it..understanding where it came from ...you can see the joy and excitement in filming and desire to tell this story...whether good or not. The truth is I would much rather watch a film that has heart, than some over-produced cookie cutter film from a director with 6 million dollars who picked up a script from someone else and says to himself..."yeah..I'll do it because it sells..the kids like horror" Space wolf belongs in that genre of horror for the love of the art...and I think people who enjoy what horror is supposed to be will enjoy this film.