Bobby Cannavale credited as playing...
- Bobbie: So why did you all start dancing?
- Vern: I'm getting married in September. My bride said she'd like to see me lose a few pounds, thought the dancing might be good exercise. I told her it wouldn't work.
- [waitress gives him a hamburger and fries]
- John Clark: I think you're gonna win that bet.
- Chic: I'm here for the ladies, you know what they say about guys that can dance...
- Bobbie: Yeah, that they're great in bed.
- Chic: Right.
- Bobbie: Where do you hear this crap?
- Chic: Everywhere, everywhere the guys that can dance get the pick of the litter.
- Bobbie: I'm here for the big dance competition. All I need is a partner.
- [to John]
- Bobbie: so that leaves you.
- John Clark: What?
- Bobbie: You're the only one that hasn't said why you're dancing.
- John Clark: I'm dancing for exercise like Vern.
- Bobbie: Bull.
- John Clark: Because I'm lousy in bed like Chic. There I said it.