Jenn Gotzon credited as playing...
Julie Romanov
- Julie Romanov: Do you like your job?
- Jack Livingston: Yes, I like sales. As I told you, at Stellachip Corporation, I sell a lot of computer chips. Hey, life is short, you should do what you like.
- Julie Romanov: That's right.
- Jack Livingston: Who's the woman in the painting?
- Julie Romanov: Ada Lovelace - Lady Lovelace - a mathematician from the 19th century. She was the first computer programmer. She wrote the first computer program and she described the first computer and correctly predicted its applications. The computer language Ada, it's named in honor of her. She was a genius; well ahead of her time. She died when she was only thirty-seven.
- Jack Livingston: Only the good die young, they say.
- Julie Romanov: It's the sex isn't it? That's what you're really upset about!
- Jack Livingston: I don't care about the sex!
- [pause]
- Jack Livingston: Okay, I care about the sex, but it's only natural to want to make love to the person you love!
- Jack Livingston: You're probably the most beautiful software developer in all of Silicon Valley.
- Julie Romanov: I don't know about that, but it pays well.