Mohan Lal lives in a small rural town in India with his mother, and twin brother, Shankar. In order to improve their lifestyle, Shankar decides to re-locate to Bombay, with hopes to find a j... Read allMohan Lal lives in a small rural town in India with his mother, and twin brother, Shankar. In order to improve their lifestyle, Shankar decides to re-locate to Bombay, with hopes to find a job and find accommodation for his Mohan and their mom. Mohan keeps in touch with Shankar t... Read allMohan Lal lives in a small rural town in India with his mother, and twin brother, Shankar. In order to improve their lifestyle, Shankar decides to re-locate to Bombay, with hopes to find a job and find accommodation for his Mohan and their mom. Mohan keeps in touch with Shankar through regular mail. Then one day a man named Raja Karan Singh visits them in their small ... Read all