2 reviews
Even as a boy, Cathy comics could be an amusing read. Losers often make for heartfelt, relatable material, and something that can make you laugh and sympathize at the same time is valuable. With this special, despite explicit references to it being the 1980s, the essential idea of a woman trying to "have it all," to be president of a conglomerate and married to a knight in shining armor, is timeless. That's probably why we got much of the same language in Tina Fey's critically acclaimed sitcom 30 Rock.
Much of the dialogue in this special is clever and layered, and often funny, even if you're trying to send Cathy psychic messages to kick two-timing Irving to the curb already. This is a mature cartoon for adults, which is probably why, unlike other specials coming out of Lee Mendelson's office, there was never a "Cathy and Friends" TV series. Winner of the Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Animated Program. But don't expect a DVD release anytime soon- if Ghostbusters taught us nothing else, it's that in today's entertainment, "woman" is the dirtiest word imaginable.
Much of the dialogue in this special is clever and layered, and often funny, even if you're trying to send Cathy psychic messages to kick two-timing Irving to the curb already. This is a mature cartoon for adults, which is probably why, unlike other specials coming out of Lee Mendelson's office, there was never a "Cathy and Friends" TV series. Winner of the Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Animated Program. But don't expect a DVD release anytime soon- if Ghostbusters taught us nothing else, it's that in today's entertainment, "woman" is the dirtiest word imaginable.
- gizmomogwai
- Dec 5, 2016
- Permalink
If this is that adorable cartoon THAT I CANNOT FIND ANYWHERE, then I absolutely LOVE this little show based on the cartoon of the 1980's Working Woman, Cathy and her on-again-off-again boyfriend, Irving. "You put butter on a plate!?" This show chronicles the relationship between Cathy and Irving from the two trying to work on their relationship, Irving cheating, and then the two reconciling at a dinner-dance thrown by "Mr. Pinkley", Cathy's boss. I have been searching for this little show FOR YEARS. (My parents had taped it off TV when I was very young). This is a cartoon which is near and dear to my heart. Cathy's search for Mr. Right!